• Our mission

    To respond to the emotional and physical needs of those in our community who don’t have sufficient access to food, clothing and other services and programs.

  • Our vision

    To create a community where more people will have access to food, clothing, services and programs and be able to live more independently.

London Let’s Be Kind is a non-profit organization located in London, Ontario focused on providing food, clothing, services and programs for the betterment of those in need in our community.

Kay Habib is a local interior designer and the successful owner of SkillDecor and her social enterprise Skilled Accents. In 2019, she was looking for more ways to give back to those in need in the community while doing so sustainably.

Amidst the pandemic struggles, she and her team worked together and hosted the first successful LLBK Event in 2021. Now “London Let’s Be Kind” is a non-profit hoping to expand its services beyond just clothes.

The key to this was providing everything for free to be sustainable and affordable for those with little to no income. Secondhand gently-used clothes and accessories were easily accessed from people clearing out their closets, and our volunteers and sponsors stepped up to the plate to provide their services for free.

Hundreds of people came and left with multiple items. We had hot food, hot drinks, music and many happy faces at the event. As we look to the future, we are hoping to expand the event and make it as accessible as possible for everyone.

“Not only would it bring people together, but it would also celebrate the spirit of giving – and also give people who need (donations) a good feeling about it.”

— Kay Habib

Donate to LLBK!
